Manual Counter Pressure Bottle Fillers

We are able to supply a range of semi-automatic counter pressure bottle fillers to match our high quality economy carbonators.

2/4 Head Counter Pressure Bottle Fillers

The 2/4 head counter pressure filler is suitable for filling carbonated drinks such as;

Features and benefits

  • 2/4 Nozzle
  • Up to 200 bottles per hour
  • Manually operated filling valves and bottle lifting
  • Rear discharge filling tube designed to reduce fobbing
  • Safety guarded and manufactured in AISI 304 stainless steel frame
  • Can be stood on a bench top
  • Suitable for R&D or start up trials
  • Easy to use

For more information please, contact us.

Please watch our demonstration video below to see a 4 head version working with our Carbo 200 Carbonator

Watch our video demonstration on full screen on YouTube if easier. 

What is going on in the video?

In the video, you can see Rob, the owner of Carbonation Techniques showing the co2 entry, compressed air entry and where the product entry is and then turning the values to enter the Carbnonator Machine.

The pressure is set to 2.5 bar and can be adjusted using the value at the top.

The side of the machine shows the product outlet value, d-aeration (simple needle valve), CIP output value, pressure relief valve, on/off switch, CIP and safety alarm button.

Using the Bottle Filler

  • Turn the machine on. The carbonation process begins!
  • Once carbonated, the product will be transported to the fill
  • We need to pre gas the filler
  • Make sure the compressor is on
  • Set pressure to 3 bar
  • Close value
  • Open the product outlet value
  • Open the product value into the filler
  • Air will pump into the filler
  • Release some pressure from the filler
  • The liquid level needs to be halfway
  • The gas release value is now closed
  • We can now put a bottle in the machine
  • Pulling the lever will release the carbonated product into the bottle
  • It takes a few seconds to fill a bottle